School ProgramHistory of Student CrimeStoppers Honolulu CrimeStoppers Honolulu, Inc.’s collaboration with the Department of Education along with the Department’s endorsement and encouragement of the "Gun and Ice Pledge" has proven to be a successful partnership. Of those schools that participated in 2005 in the "Gun and Ice Pledge", 13 had 100% participation. A total of 33,000 students from across the islands pledged to never bring a gun to school, never use a gun to solve their problems, and never to use "ice". In 2005:
In 2006:
In 2007: (As reported in Sassy Magazine) October 24, 2007 was the onset of the Gun and Ice Pledge across the nation in the public schools. In Hawaii, the Gun And Ice Pledge was distributed to every Elementary, Middle and High school in the state.
The deadline for the pledge was January 31, 2008 and the school with the most participation per student body is declared the winner. Each school recites the pledge and has different activities throughout the contest. This years winners are:
Kauai High School’s peer Education Program got students involved by creating posters and had students go out at recess and lunch to promote school safety and sign the pledge. Throughout the week, messages regarding the pledge and ways to resolve conflicts without violence were made during the morning announcements. Posters were hung around campus promoting ways to stop violence.
Each winner will be given a prize from CrimeStoppers Honolulu, Inc.
The Student Pledge Against Gun Violence, alone, will not end gun violence among young people. But if it begins on-going conversations with young people about ways other than guns to settle personal issues and scores; if it gives us a chance to renew our own commitments as adults to do all that we can to keep their world safer; if it provides an opportunity to let young people know how very important they are to their families and communities and allows us to offer to help when problems get too big for them to solve alone -- then it will continue to be a positive, empowering force for change.
In 2009: This year's Day of Concern is October 21st, 2009. Start preparing now by looking at materials on the website, or by contacting us.
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